NMC Responds to Recent Bad Press About Gels

NMC Responds to Recent Bad Press About Gels

I just heard there was a story on a local Chicago TV station last night warning about UV gels and skin cancer. And then there was the March article in Good Housekeeping titled “4 Risks of Gel Manicures.” 
We just received a statement from Eric Schwartz, co-chair of the PBA Nail Manufacturers Council that puts things in perspective: “Gel manicures have been available, and safely used, in salons for more than three decades. Today’s fourth or fifth generation gel systems are easier, faster to use, and safer than ever. Significantly, these types of products have been found safe by the Expert Panel on Cosmetic Ingredient Review. Moreover, the exposure every second or third week from today’s newest and fastest gel lights is only three or four brief intervals of 30 seconds each. One gets more exposure spending three minutes a day outdoors.”
If you need more ammunition to make a fact-based rebuttal, the NMC also points you to the handouts on their site that have really good information. One is called Gel Manicures and Pedicures and the other is called UV Nail Lamp Study.
I’m sure this isn’t the last we’ll be hearing about this issue. What do you think?
— Judy